
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today I drank a solution!

And it was really yummy!!!!

Don't worry mums and dads - the solution we drank is really harmless. We were finding out about things that dissolve. When we put salt into a glass of water and stirred it around the salt seemed to disappear. But really it is still there - it has just dissolved. Dissolving means that the salt particles got so small that we couldn't see them anymore.

First we had to test lots of different things to see if they would dissolve or not. It took a lot of stirring and mixing. We had to work together and record our results.

We found out that sugar, drink powder and coffee dissolved but tea leaves, sand and flour did not.

Miss Harrison taught us 3 tricky new scientific words.
Solvent - this is the liquid part of the mixture
Solute - this is the thing that gets dissolved in the liquid
Solution - this is the mixture of the solvent and the solute.

Next we got to make a solution that we could drink - LEMONADE!

This is the recipe we used:

  1. Squeeze the juice from 3 lemons into a bowl.
  2. Add 2 cups of sugar.
  3. Add 3 teaspoons of citric acid.
  4. Add 1 litre of hot water.
  5. Stir the mixture until the sugar has dissolved.
  6. Pour some of the lemon syrup into a cup. Fill the cup with water.
  7. Your lemonade is ready to drink.
Do you know which parts of the mixture are the solute and solvent? We do!

Solvent = water and lemon juice
Solute = sugar and citric acid

We even got to drink the Solution! Cheers.

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