
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fun with lenses

Lenses are used in many ways such as: eye glasses, microscopes, projectors, cameras, our eyes, contact lenses, telescopes and magnifying glasses.

What is a lens?

A lens is a specially shaped piece of glass. When light hits hit the light is refracted. This means that the light changes direction slightly. When you view objects through a lens they may appear bigger, smaller, closer, further away or upside down.

This is a convex lens and it makes my eye look larger.

This is a concave lens and it makes my face look smaller.

If you use 2 magnifying glasses at once the image will be even bigger.

A simple telescope can be made out of 2 lenses. We tried using to convex lenses and the image appeared upside down. When we used a concave and convex lenses the image was the right way up.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I’m also learning about this right now in school! This really helped me understand concave and convex lenses! Thank you so much! I think I’m ready for my test on Tuesday! Wow!
