
Friday, July 1, 2011

Magic Potion

Hocus Pocus and Abracadabra!

We have a magic potion that changes the colour of other liquids.
The magic potion smelled really bad. Some people thought it smelt like broccoli, cauli flower or cabbage. The people who said cabbage were right. In fact it was red cabbage juice.

Our first job was to use the dropper to carefully put some of the magic potion into each test tube. It was tricky to get the hang of using the dropper.

Next we tested 6 different liquids by squirting some into the magic potion.

Wow - Each liquid turned a different colour!

The things we tested were from right to left:
Baking Soda, Dishwashing Liquid, Lemon Juice, Washing Powder, Vinegar, Window Cleaner.

We thought this was pretty cool.
But then Miss Harrison told us that you can tell if a substance is an acid or a base by the colour it goes when you mix it with cabbage juice.

Red or Pink = Acid
Blue or Green = Base
Purple = Neutral

This was kind of hard to understand but we had fun mixing the potion anyway.

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