
Monday, March 21, 2011

Solar Kids meet with Maggie

On Friday our Solar Kids had a special visit from Maggie. Maggie works for Genesis and she came to help them learn about our Solar Panels.

We also had visitors from St Theresa's school in Plimmerton. The kids from St Theresa's wanted to find out about how cool solar power is too.

Did you know that EHS has 12 solar panels on the roof of B Block? These solar panels make electricity from the sun's energy.

You can look on the Schoolgen website to see how much electricity our solar panels are making.
On Friday when we looked at the website we found out that EHS was the school who was making the most electricity at that time because it was the sunniest school.

Maggie showed us a mini solar panel so we could see how it worked. We put the panel in the sun and connected it up to the inverter and then the light bulb. When the sun shone on the solar panel the light bulb lit up. Wow.

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