
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Year 4 Science Club - Studying Seeds

This year at EHS every class is going to have a small garden to plant and care for.

So the students in the Year 4 Science Club got a head start this week by studying seeds.

Before we started looking at seeds Miss Harrison asked us:

What do plants and all living things need to survive?

We suggested things like water, light, food. But living things need lots of other things. Miss Harrison showed us a good way to remember all the things.

Today we learnt about reproduction of plants. This means how new plants grow from seeds.

We found out that all plants grow from a seed and seeds come in lots of different shapes and sizes.

We looked at some bean seeds in their pods fresh off the plant. The seeds were attached inside the pod. Then we looked at some dried bean seeds. You could see the part where they were attached to the pod. The outside of the bean was all wrinkly.

Miss Harrison had soaked some bean seeds in water overnight. These seeds had got bigger than the dry seeds. Carefully we split the seeds open to see what was inside.

We carefully observed the bean seeds with a magnifying class. Inside the seed we could see the tiny plant ready to start growing and the food that feeds the plant until the first leaves appear.

Next we got a whole bean seed and planted it inside a clear container with some damp tissue and cotton wool. We are hoping that it will grow and we will be able to see what happens to the seed.

Here are our bean seeds all ready to start growing.
I wonder how long it will be before the first shoot appears?

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