
Friday, November 26, 2010

Fun with Rockets

Today was our last Science Club session for 2010 so we ended it with a BANG by making 2 different types of rockets.

One rocket was made out of a plastic bottle and an air pump. The other rocket was made by putting baking soda and vinegar in a film cannister. Both rockets work the same way really. As the rocket container fills up with gas (air or carbon dioxide) the pressure builds up. When there is so much pressure the cork pops out or the lid pops off and the rocket flies into the air.

Pumping air into the rocket. Everyone is getting ready to catch the rocket when it lands.

Today I had a go at bottle rockets. I made 4. On my third one I pumped for a long time but as soon as I gave up and sat down, the rocket blasted off about 20-25 metres above the ground. I got to perform 2 of my rockets in from of an audience of junior kids. They liked both of mine. On one of my rockets, when it shot of some water splashed onto my shorts and new jersey. Mum won't be happy!

I learnt a new thing today! When the water was in the bottle the air I was pumping was making pressure. If you have lots of water or not water the bottle will only go about 5-10 metres high above the ground. I wonder what will happen if we put vinegar instead of water?


When we did the experiment we had an air pump, a bottle and water and a cork. First of all we filled quarter of the bottle with water. We used the air pump to fill up the bottle with air pressure. When the bottle is filled up with air pressure it shoots up into the sky.

This photo shows how to get the rocket ready by jamming the cork into the bottle.

To launch the big rocket you need to pump the pump to make it fly up. Make sure you stand far away unless you are launching it. You can fill the bottle up with as much water as you want but we found that it works better when the bottle is quarter full. If you're finding your rocket is taking a long time to blast off it means it should go higher. It works because the air getting pumped into it fills up the bottle and when there is not enough room left it pops the cork off the bottom.

I found out that the best rockets were the big bottles with water up to the first line from the bottom. This is because there was enough water and enough room for the air pressure to help push but not too much water to weigh it down.

The rocket made from a lemonade bottle quarter filled with water worked the best. I think this worked because there was lots of space for air to go so when the bottle was full of air the cork came out really fast, giving it a height boost.

Today I had a go at making bottle rockets. To make a bottle rocket you have to fill a lemonade bottle quarter full with water. The rocket is powered by the water and the water acts as a jet because it pushes the bottle up. AWESOME.

My rocket went wild. It was facing north and it landed west. Totally opposite. All of mine worked except one. The pipe busted but we fixed it. The rocket worked because the water in the bottle was taking up space and there was no more room for the air we pumped in. So there was too much air and the cork flew off and the air pushed it up into the air.

We used a foot pump and we could see the air bubbling up inside. The rocket worked because it had too much air pressure so it had nowhere to go but up. The worst working bottle was the vinegar bottle and the best bottle was the lemonade bottle.

First we got a bit of baking soda and wrapped it in a tissue and put in in the film cannister. Then we got the vinegar and tipped it in and quickly put the lid on. After a while the cannister pushed the lid off and it went really high.

The experiment worked best when there was less baking soda, less vinegar and if you put the lid on quickly.

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