
Friday, October 29, 2010

Myth Busters

Have you noticed that whenever you drop a piece of toast off your plate it always seems to land buttered side down. Toast is not so yummy with furry bits on your peanut butter.

The Year 5 and 6 students investigated this to find out if it is a myth or an actual fact.

This is what they found out....

Alana and Alice
The toast doesn't always land butter side down. We got 15 for up and 13 for down. It's a 50/50 chance. We think we got that result because of the way we dropped it and the height and size of the toast.

Billy and Harrison
The toast fell on the buttered side more often than the non-buttered side. I think it was because of the weight of the buttered side.

Shikhar and Jack
Whichever side was facing down when you dropped the toast - the opposite side would land on the newspaper. For example - if you start with the non-buttered side facing down after the drop the buttered side is facing the ground.
When me and Jack tested toast cut into quarters, every time it landed on the buttered side down. It is because the toast was small and had time to turn and flip.

Cameron and Max
We think that the buttered side landed face down the most because it had more weight on it.

Bradley and Russell
We don't know why it ended up like this but it might be possible it was the way we tested it. The buttered side faced up most often. Our final results were:
  • Buttered side down 15/40
  • Buttered side up 25/40
Ella and Louise
We found out that butter side mostly landed up with 19/28. We dropped the toast from waist height so it mostly flipped once.

So the overall results were:
  • 3 groups found buttered side up happened most often.
  • 3 groups found buttered side down happened most often.
There is a 50% chance of the toast landing buttered side down and we think it depends on:
  • The height of the drop.
  • The angle of the drop.
  • The size of the toast.
  • Which side of the toast is up on the plate.
So we think this myth has been busted!
Toast does not always land buttered side down.

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