
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Science Club 2014

Yay!  The Year 5 and 6 Science Club has started again for 2014.  The theme of our learning this term is burning and heat.

The first lesson was about candles and what makes them burn.

Here is our equipment for the lesson.

To keep safe we had some water handy.  Just in case!

First we had to carefully observe the candle and take notes about it before we lit it.

We recorded our observations carefully.

Does the candle have a smell?

Next we lit the candle and observed changes to the candle.

After predicting what we thought would happen we recorded what we observed.

We started thinking about how and why a candle burns.

We think that the wick burns first and this melts the wax.  The liquid wax wicks (moves up) the wick and the gas formed from the wax floats around the wick.  The gas is what is burning.

We also think the hottest part of the flame is around the wick and the blue part at the bottom.

Around the flame we could see a faint haze.

Tune in next week to find out what else we find out about burning.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Science Club. Can't wait to see what you discover this week. Cam's mum
