
Friday, March 9, 2012

Stacking Coloured Water

Today in Year 4 Science Club we learnt how to stack coloured water. 
We found out that water with lots of salt in it is more dense (heavier) than fresh or less salty water.
Some of our coloured water had lots of salt in it.  And some of our coloured water only had a little bit of salt.

We had to figure out which colour would float on top and which colour would sink to the bottom.

Sharnia learns how to trap the coloured water in the straw.
First we tried two colours together to see which one would float.  We recorded on our sheet a tick if the colour floated on top.
The boys were really good at this.

Next we had to work out which order to put the colours so they all stacked on top of each other.  Louis was the first to figure this out.

Jackson got it too!

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