
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Energy Week

Last week at EHS was Energy Week.  The whole school celebrated our commitment to renewable energy sources and especially our Solar Panels which we have had now for 2 and a half years.

Classes learnt about different types of renewable energy such as solar, hydro, wind and wave power. They investigated how solar panels work and how much energy they can produce.

Some classes planned investigations to see why our solar panels are black.  They put chocolate chippie biscuits on different coloured pieces of paper and placed them in the sun.  The biscuits on the black paper melted faster and the students concluded that black absorbs the heat and light from the sun better than lighter colours.

A8 made some amazing Sustainable houses which include solar panels, water tanks, windmills, clothes lines for drying clothes instead of clothes driers, insulation in the walls and roof and vegetable gardens.   Hopefully when they grow up and build their own houses some of these ideas will be used.

Classes read Kiwi Kids Discover the Sun to find out how solar panels work.

You can see how much energy Eastern Hutt's solar panels are producing right now by viewing EHS Solar Panel information.

We had a whole school Energy Saver Assembly planned and hosted by our amazing SOLAR KIDS.  Part of the assembly was the Who Wants To Be An Energy Saver? quiz show hosted by Kate Sunshine.  Would you know the answer to these questions?  (The music at the start is a bit long but you get to the questions eventually so keep watching.)

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