
Friday, November 18, 2011

Balloon Vehicles

Last week in Science Club we learnt about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion when we made water rockets.  This law says that ...

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

Click on the great link above to find out more about this law.

This week Miss Harrison challenged us to use this idea and make a balloon vehicle that would travel along the ground.

We were given these pieces of equipment to use:
  • meat tray
  • egg carton lid
  • piece of cardboard
  • 2 straws
  • 1 balloon
  • 3 ice block sticks
  • sticky tape
  • scissors
Take a look at this video that shows our making process.

As we were making our vehicles we tested them and made changes to get them to move faster.

We got so excited when testing our vehicles that we forgot to video them moving.  Some moved really well and some not so well.  The overall winner was Miss Harrison - but she had done this before.  Maggie, Rose and Maya were very close behind.  The furthest their balloon vehicle traveled was 149cm.  Wow.

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