
Friday, June 17, 2011

Magical Mixtures

Exothermic Reactions
by Chelsea, Poppy and Andy

Today in science club we mixed water, baking soda and calcium chloride to make a chemical reaction. We put the two bases in a plastic bag and then put water in a container and mixed them together. The plastic bag filled up with air and it fizzed and foamed while it was producing gas. The plastic bag got really hot and made a sizzling sound. This is called an exothermic reaction because it produced heat. An exothermic reaction is used in heat packs and hand warmers.

by Jasmin and Caitlin

Today in science club we investigated chemical reactions. We put 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of calcium chloride in a bag then filled up half a film canister with water and put it in the plastic bag. But we didn't let it touch the powder. We sealed up the bag then shook it. The mixture foamed and fizzed and was hot in the corners and it burned my finger. It was an exothermic reaction.

Mystical Mixtures
by Billy and Jake

Today we investigated chemical reactions. We tested out 2 mixtures. One was an endothermic reaction and one was an exothermic reaction. The exothermic one was really hot and sticky and smooth. The endothermic was really cold and the bubbles vibrated in the bag.

Magical Mixture
by Eden and Harrisen

Today in science club we tested out different chemical reactions. The second magical mixture needed to have water, tartaric acid and baking soda. We put baking soda and tartaric acid into a bag and mixed them together. Next we poured water into it and all of a sudden it fizzed up and got really cold. It did this because when you put all the ingredients together it creates an endothermic reaction. An endothermic reaction absorbs heat so it feels cold.

Magic Chemicals Number 2
by Jacob and Josh
Today at science club we were investigating chemical reactions. First we had to mix baking soda and calcium chloride together. Then we poured water in the canister. We could not pur it in the bag or the experiment would be ruined. We then sealed up the bag tight other wise it might spill out. Once we sealed the bag we shook it. The water spilled out so then the chemicals reacted and it fizzed up. It fizzed up and puffed up with gas (we think it is carbon dioxide). The reaction was exothermic which means it got hot.

Magic Mixtures
by Morgan and Avilisha

Today at science club we made chemical reactions. We mixed baking soda with calcium chloride and water. They foamed and fizzed. When we felt it it was hot and sizzling. After 10 minutes it turned into a liquid. When it was hot it released a gas. The reaction was called exothermic. It felt like boiling water.

The instructions for the experiments are below.

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