
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Can light travel around corners?

This was the question that the Year 5 and 6 students were posed this week.

Our main focus for the lesson was to give evidence to support the answer to the question. The students needed to understand that as scientists they could say something but for people to believe them they need proof.

The students did 2 investigation to gather evidence to support their answer to the question.

This picture shows us testing where a beam of light goes. We found out that light can only go in a straight line. The light was mostly blocked by the card but some of the light traveled through the holes and we could see it come out the other end. The light did not travel around the card because we could see a shadow behind the card.

Here we are trying to make it look like a beam of light is shining through a book. But really we are reflecting the light around the book.

Using the evidence gathered we came to these conclusions:
  • Light always travels in a straight line from its source until it hits something.
  • When light hits something shiny it will reflect off in a straight line.
  • Light can only go around corners if it is reflected.

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