
Friday, May 6, 2011

Investigating Electrical Circuits

This week the Year 3 and 4 students have been investigating how electrical circuits work to make a bulb light up.

The first challenge was to use 1 bulb, 1 battery and 1 wire to make a circuit.

Then a second wire was introduced and students had to work out how to make a circuit, without the bulb touching the battery, using the 2 wires.

Image from:

The circuit couldn't have any gaps otherwise the bulb would not light up.

It was quite tricky for the students to figure out what to do but once they worked out that the electricity had to flow around in a circuit from 1 end of the battery, through the bulb and back into the other end of the battery they soon had lights glowing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.
