
Monday, April 11, 2011

2 Mirrors are better than 1

This week the Year 3 students made Kaleidoscopes. They learned how a kaleidoscope works and tried to explain it in their own words.

You need light to sine onto the blank piece of paper and then you can see how many little triangles there are. When I looked into the kaleidoscope I saw 7 of them. The beads can make a different pattern if you turn it. You need mirrors inside to reflect the pattern. (Rebecca, Year 3)

When you make the kaleidoscope move the beads inside it make a pattern because there are 2 mirrors inside of it. You have to have light and beads and also 2 mirrors. If you put your hand over the paper on top of the beads then it gets really dark. (Shadin, Year 3)

The mirrors help to reflect the beads. When you put your hand over the cellophane it becomes dark. When you turn it in different angles you get different shapes. (Dev, Year 3)

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