
Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is a shadow?

Year 2 students are learning about shadows. This week they had to draw a picture of them and their shadow and write about what they know about shadows.

They all knew different things.

So we went outside to explore our shadows and found out that:
  • Shadows are the same shape as us.
  • We can make our shadow move.
  • Shadows copy us.
  • We can hide our shadow in a friend's shadow.
  • A shadow is made when the sun shines on us and we block the light.
  • A shadow can be long or short.
  • When we stand on the ground our shadow is joined to our feet.
  • When we jump our shadow is not joined to our feet.

1 comment:

  1. Eloise is happy that her photo is on the blog about Shadows. Eloise blocked the sun to make her shadow. She had to jump to get her shadow off her feet.
