
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stacking Colours - Water density

Last week the Year 3 and 4 classes were learning about salt water. What did they find out?
  • Salt water is denser than fresh water.
  • The more salt in water the denser the water is.
  • Salty water sinks to the bottom and less salty water or fresh water floats on top.
The students were given 4 different colours of water and they had to work out which colours floated on top of each other. They recorded their investigations and then used this information to work out how to float 4 colours on top of each other.

Yellow had the most salt in it so it sank to the bottom. Blue had the least salt in it so it floated to the top.

"I am thinking quite hard about this"

Make sure you record accurately.

We did it!

(Thanks to for the lesson idea)

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