
Friday, August 27, 2010

The NIWA Invertebrate Collection

Last week 2 groups of children were chosen to visit the marine invertebrate collection at NIWA in Wellington. The collection has specimens from many different groups (phyla) that live in the ocean including...
The specimens are kept in jars and preserved in alcohol so they don't go rotten and smelly.

Scientists study the invertebrates and identify what species they are.

We found out that there is a huge biodiversity of invertebrates living in the ocean and that some can grow really big such as the sea slater and scale worm.

Sea Slater

Scale Worm

Basket Star

This basket star has lots of arms that would be extended out when it is in the sea to catch food.

The invertebrates are collected by scientists on NIWA's boat called the Tangaroa.
If you want to find out about some of the different voyages that the Tangaroa has been on click here. You will also be able to read about what Miss Harrison did when she was on board the Tangaroa.

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