
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ranger for the Day

Even on the holidays the students from EHS are out enjoying science.  Who did I spy on display at Nga Manu Nature Reserve but Harry and Ollie  - who had been Rangers for the day.  I wonder what they did?

Well done boys!

What does a Pukeko eat?

Yesterday I visited Nga Manu Nature Reserve and got the chance to see some beautiful birds up close.  As I was filming this Pukeko I noticed that they had caught their dinner.  But what is it?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sensational Slime

My slime was slippery.  The ingredients were Borax, food colouring and PVA glue.  The ingredients were all liquids.  The PVA glue was gooey and sticky to start with.  When I added the food colouring it changed colour.  When we put the Borax in it and mixed it was floppy and it was tun to play with.

By Marisa Y3